Pre-Course Essays

Digestive system

The digestive system provides nutrients the horse’s cells need to produce energy, necessary for living. That is why it has a double function: breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates into smaller pieces and absorption of these pieces into the bloodstream.

Equine Digestive System

The horse’s digestive system begins with the mouth, which consist of by two lips, lower and upper. They surround an oral gap which leads food to oral cavity. From the above oral cavity is separated from the nasal cavity by hard palate, which, together with tongue, lips and cheeks creates underpressure, which allows to suck and intake fluids. The upper and frontal parts of the oral cavity are limited by maxilla and the bottom by mandible. These bones inside the oral cavity are covered with mucosa called gums, where the teeth are placed. Teeth are very strong structures, covered with hard enamel under which are dentine and pulp which fills the tooth cavity together with nerves and blood vessels. As all mammals horses lose and regrow teeth while they mature. Foals have 24 (stallions may have 28) teeth and grown up horses have 36 (mares) and 40 (stallions and geldings). Teeth function is to break down the food.


While the food is inside the oral cavity, work begin the three salivary glands: sublingual, submandibular and parotid. Their function is to secrete saliva, which not only moisturize a bolus, but also contains enzymes digesting sugars, so at the level of oral cavity, digestion already begins. Another important organ placed in the oral cavity is the tongue. It is long and narrow, matched with tight space of mandible. The tongue is a very strong muscle with huge mobility that helps in forming bolus. From the oral cavity bolus is moved through the throat isthmus to pharynx. It is a structure about 20 cm long, which is common for the respiratory and digestive system. So how is it possible the bolus does not fall into the larynx? While the horse swallows a fold called epiglottis closes the larynx, so the food can safely pass further. The oral cavity with all its organs is made for the intake of food, taste control, grinding and mastication of  food with teeth and finally producing saliva and forming bolus.

After the bolus is swallowed it travels along a very long tube called the esophagus, which is 125-150 cm long and ends in the stomach. At the beginning it runs between the spine and trachea and later moves a little to the left and at the level of thoracic cavity it goes again at the dorsal part of the trachea. After it goes through the diaphragm it connects with the stomach by gastric cardia.

A horse’s stomach is built of one chamber and comparing to the animal’s size it is really small, only 8-15 l of volume. It rests on the left side of the abdominal cavity attached to the diaphragm. The stomach has a shape of a horseshoe and is situated at the level of 9th-15th intercostal space. The structure of the stomach, esophagus and very strong cardia sphincter make it impossible for a horse to vomit. Also gases collecting in the stomach can not expel themselves (a horse can not belch), that is why gastric problems are very common with horses, and good and healthy diet is so important. In the stomach the gastric juice is produced. It contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin, which break down proteins. After all the processes the food goes through, it becomes a chyme, liquid substance which passes through the pyloric valve to the duodenum.

Scheme of the Digestive System

Duodenum is the first part of the small intestine and it is 1m long. Here the majority of digestion takes place. Bile, from the liver, and pancreatic enzymes ( trypsinogen, chymotripsynogen, pancreatic amylase and lipase) reaches the duodenum by the duodenal papilla major. Their function is to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins into micelles, simple carbohydrates and amino acids. As in the duodenum, digestion takes place, absorption occurs in the next part of small intestine- jejunum, which is 17-25 m long. This intestine is looped many times, easily movable and situated mostly on the left side of abdomen. Ileum, the last part of the small intestine is 70 cm long.

Any liquids and roughage pass further to the large intestine. The first part of the large intestine is a cecum. It is a huge sack, 1 m long and 33 l in volume. It contains bacteria that digest cellulose through fermentation. These bacteria feed upon digestive chyme, and also produce certain fat-soluble vitamins which are absorbed by the horse. The reason horses must have their diets changed slowly is so all bacteria in the cecum have to modify and adapt to the different chemical structure of the food. Ingesta moves from cecum to the colon. The large colon, the first part is 3-4 m long. It creates a two-level loop in the shape of a horseshoe. Its function is to absorb simple carbohydrates that were made in cecum. The small colon is 2,5-4 m long. In this area the majority of water is absorbed, and fecal balls are formed. Then by the peristaltic movements feces are moved to the rectum. The rectum is about 20-30 cm long, and acts as a holding chamber for waste matter, which is then expelled from the body through the anus.

The digestive system is connected with two other organs through which food does not pass, the liver and pancreas, but they are of great importance for proper digestion.

The liver is a big organ(its weight is about 2,5-3,5 kg) situated in the epigastric area mostly on the right. Its function, with regards to digestion, is to produce bile- an enzyme, which takes part in breaking down fats. What makes the horse’s liver different from other animals is that, it does not have a gall bladder to store bile. It flows all the time through a hepatic duct straight to a duodenum, which is why horses must feed constantly- are “grazers”.

The Liver

The pancreas is an organ with a double function: secreting hormones and producing enzymes. It lies at the level of XVII-XVIII thoracic vertebrae. It is built of three parts: stem, left lobe and right lobe. The pancreatic duct leads enzymes to the duodenum accompanying hepatic duct.

Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is built of lymphatic tissue, creating lymphatic organs and lymphatic vessels, in which lymph flows. The importance of this system is multilateral and very essential for the functioning of whole organism. Except hematopoietic function (lymphocytes multiplication), it also resorbes proteins and fats and supports the immune system. When the organism is injured, a swelling occurs as a result of an increase of lymphatic fluid at the site of injury.

Lymph is light-coloured fluid which consists of plasma, salts, proteins and blood cells-lymphocytes. Depending on which part of the body the lymph comes from may differ in the composition-number of proteins, fat and cells. The lymph circulation is one-way, from the periphery of the body towards the heart. Lymph’s flow is usually slow and supported by the horse’s movements, breathing, peristaltic activity. Lack of exercises can provoke lymphedema, which results in a swelling of the limbs.

Lymphatic vessels begin as small capillaries and as they become wider, inside appear valves (usually double), so the lymph doesn’t retreat. Among these vessels we can distinguish interorgan vessels, externorgan vessels, lymph trunks and lymph wires. A horse has six lymph trunks, two tracheal, two lumbar, one visceral and one intestinal. Tracheal trunks, left and right, run aside the trachea and may be multipartite. The lumbar trunks, left and right, run aside the abdominal aorta under the lumbar part of spine and usually are single. Lymph wires, thoracic wire and right lymphatic wire, are the final lymphatic vessels, which lead the majority of the lymph to the venous system. Thoracic wire collects lymph from nearly the whole body, while the right lymphatic wire which is only four cm long collects lymph from the right part of head, neck and right front leg. The whole system of lymphatic vessels is connected with a venous part of the circulatory system and, as veins, lymphatic vessels have various diameters, which affect structure of their walls. Their function is to collect excess fluid from the tissues and lead it to lymph nodes where lymphocytes eliminate waste products. The flow through lymphatic vessels is usually slow and needs to be supported by the muscle contractions (the movement of the horse).

Lymphatic organs are scattered over the whole body. Their number can change depending on age, defensive activity and the health of the horse. Lymphatic organs are:
1       lymphatic papules and platelets and tonsils
2       lymphatic nodes-superficial and deep
3       thymus
4       spleen.

Lymphatic papules are most primitive in respect of structure among all the lymphatic organs. They are clusters of lymphatic tissue placed in mucous membrane of the digestive system. Platelets are accumulation of papules surrounded by a thin bag of connective tissue. Tonsils are a modification of platelets placed in the oral cavity.

Lymphatic nodes  are similar in shape to bean seeds. Their size may vary from a few mm to many cm. Their function is to filter the lymph, so internal structure slows the flow of lymph. Unlike the lymphatic papules and platelets, nodes have both vessels-afferent and efferent.

Lymphatic node

Lymphatic nodes of head and neck:

1       Parotid- two to eight nodes creating a mass two to six cm long
2       Mandibular- is situated under the mandible, creating a V-shaped structure
3       Retropharyngeal- is situated dorsal and lateral to walls of throat
4       Superficial cervical- is situated under the brachio-cephalic muscle, made of about hundred small nodes, creating a structure fifteen to thirty cm long
5       Deep cervical- consists of three groups: cranial, medial and caudal. All are situated in lateral from the larynx

Lymphatic nodes of forelimb:

1       Axillary- placed near the shoulder girdle, consists of three groups: axillar appropriate, axillar of first rib and cubital.

Lymphatic nodes of thorax:

1       Dorsal thoracic- are created by two groups: intercostal (situated between ribs) and thoracic aortic (situated along aorta)
2       Ventral thoracic- consists of sternal lymphatic knots (cranial and caudal) situated on internal surface of sternum
3       Mediastinal- is localized in mediastinum, divided into three groups: cranial, medial, caudal.
4       Brachial- is situated in the final part of trachea and lungs, divided into two groups: tracheobronchial and pulmonary.

Lymphatic nodes of abdominal and pelvic cavity:

1       Visceral- mid sized,  situated surround the visceral artery, they collect lymph from stomach, pancreas, spleen, diaphragm and peritoneum
2       Splenic- they surround single blood vessels
3       Gastric- placed near gastric groove, hard to distinguish from visceral nodes
4       Hepatic- they create a mass up to nine cm long
5       Pancreatico-duodenal- situated along the right gastric artery, they collect lymph from the duodenum, pancreas and stomach

Lymphatic nodes of hind limb:

1       Iliofemoral- create an elongated mass made of sixteen to thirty five nodes, they are situated in a femoral triangle
2       Popliteal- in number three to twelve are situated in popliteal fossa

Thymus is an organ, which is fully developed during fetal life and the time before puberty. Thymus is built of two lobes, left and right, which are connected by connective tissue. Its function is to provide appropriate development of whole Immune System and T-cells (T-lymphocytes), that is why the thymus is very important. In foals a few months old the thymus is situated in  mediastinum, then it begins to degenerate. We can find traces of thymus in horses aged two and a half-years.

Spleen lies on the left side of the abdominal cavity between its wall and stomach. This organ is flat, elongated and narrow. Blood flows through the spleen slowly to collect lymphocytes and monocytes. At the same time old and used erythrocytes are dissolved and freed iron is stored for further transformations. Other functions of the spleen are neutralization of venoms, production of antybodies and storage of blood.

Circulatory system

The circulatory system of all mammals is a closed-circuit system, so the blood stays inside the vessels, organs, tissues and does not leak into body cavities. The circulatory system consists of two bloodstreams: small and large, which are strictly connected with its function.

The main function of the circulatory system is to supply blood throughout and around the whole body. Blood is a specific tissue, which is liquid. It consists of plasma, water, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, hormones, antibodies and other compounds created by the horse’s cells.  Thanks to so many components, blood has a lot of functions, for example: distribution of oxygen (red blood cells) and nutrients, removal of metabolic wastes and carbon dioxide from cells, carrying antibodies and lymphocytes to fight many types of infections. All blood cells are formed in a red bone marrow. There most of them mature and penetrate into the blood vessels.

Blood composition


The heart  with its pericardial sac is placed in mediastinum in the lower part of the thoracic cavity at the level of 2nd and 6th intercostal space. 3/5 of the heart is on the left from the median line of the body. The muscle tissue that builds heart is crosswise  striated and while contracting it acts like a pump. The shape of a heart is similar to an irregular cone. On its base, which is directed upward and forward, are situated incoming and outgoing vessels. The tip of the heart is directed to the sternum, which makes the heart lie in a horizontal position. The interior of the heart consists four chambers:

1.     Right atrium- this is the place, where vena cava inferior and superior lead de-oxygenated blood, it is separated from the left atrium by interatrial septum, by the atrio-ventricular outlet blood passes to the right ventricle;
2.     Right ventricle- to secure blood from going back to atrium, there is a special tricuspid valve, which closes while the heart contracts, right ventricle is separated from left ventricle by interventrical septum, the pulmonary trunk leads blood from right ventricle to the lungs and in its outlet we can find three semilunar valves;
3.     Left atrium- here pulmonary veins in number from 7 to 12 lead oxygenated blood from the lungs;
4.     Left ventricle- its wall is much thicker than right’s ventricle because of its function- pumping blood with high pressure to the aorta and then to the whole body, as the right atrio-ventricular outlet the left one has a valve as well- mitral valve and three semilunar valves creating a barrier between left ventricle and the aorta;


The cardiac conduction system of heart is responsible for the work of the heart. It is made of modified muscle cells called Purkinje fibers. These fibers create three aggregations- sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node and atrioventricular bundle. This system lets the heart work independently because of creating its own impulses. Size of the heart is connected with what kind of work the horse does and the intensity of training. Average weight of horse’s heart is about 3,5-4,5 kg.

The large bloodstream begins in the left ventricle of a horse’s heart. From there blood is taken by the aorta. Aorta is the biggest artery and runs from the left ventricle along the ventral surface of the spine to sacrum. There it divides into smaller arteries, for example, the left subclavian artery, cervical superficial artery, axillar artery, left gastric artery and many others. All these arteries have a special structure. Their walls are thick, built mainly of muscles (smooth), which contract and relax to pump the blood forward. Cross-section of arteries is round. Then arteries become smaller and smaller to finally change into capillaries in the body tissues. The blood provided by arteries gives oxygen, nutrients and other essentials cells need, takes carbon dioxide, wastes and travel along capillaries, which are going to create veins. Veins lead “used” blood towards the heart. Examples of veins are: external jugular vein, brachial vein, vena cava inferior and superior. Walls of veins are thinner than arterial, because blood does not have such pressure as in arteries. The flow of blood in veins is provided by contraction of body muscles, for example during walking or trotting. To prevent blood from going backwards veins have valves, which stops this. Through the vena cava inferior and superior blood goes to the right atrium where the large bloodstream ends.


The small bloodstream begins in the right ventricle. Blood from there is taken by the pulmonary trunk, which divides into the left and right pulmonary arteries going to the lungs. There they accompany bronchi and again divide into smaller vessels to become capillaries surrounding alveoli where gas exchange takes place. Then, as in the large bloodstream, capillaries link to finally form venules, and then pulmonary veins to bring blood back to the left atrium. This is an unique procedure when  arteries lead de-oxygenated blood, while veins bring to the heart oxygenated blood. The reason of such a situation is that arteries are discharging vessels while veins are vessels leading to heart.

The normal heart rate at rest is 28 to 40 beats per minute. During exercises it can increase up to 210-280 per minute. Such differences are caused by larger request for oxygen and nutrients by cells (the metabolism increases when there is more physical effort). To provide them everything they need and to collect carbon dioxide and wastes, blood must flow faster and that is a task of the heart, which has to speed up Its rate. Different situations takes place while sleeping or hypothermia, the blood flow slows down, so the heart slows as well. During hypothermia we can also observe contraction of vessels further from the heart. Blood accumulates in the central part of body to keep the most important organs warm- brain, lungs and heart. On the other hand, while overheating blood vessels dilate to move blood closer to skin, where it can give more warmth and keep organs safe from high temperature. That is how the circulatory system controls a horse’s body temperature.

Respiratory system

The respiratory system provides organism life-giving oxygen, which is necessary in metabolic processes taking place in every cell of a horse’s body. While cells intake oxygen and use it to grow, divide, secrete, burn carbohydrates fats or proteins, they expel toxic carbon dioxide, which is a product of these processes. That is why proper breathing is essential for good organism metabolism. Other functions of this system is to regulate the horse’s body heat and maintain the acid-base pH balance. To provide best gas exchange, horses should breathe deeply, the rate of breathing for horses at rest should be 12-16 breaths per minute. During heavy training the rate can increase up to 120-180 breaths, so it is important to let a horse cool-down, release toxic carbon dioxide and take in fresh air, full of oxygen.

Breathing is possible thanks to respiratory muscles situated between ribs and the diaphragm, which is very strong and pulls the lungs backward. Respiratory muscles work to provide space for air and also to provide underpressure, which is necessary to lead the air to the final parts of airways. That is why it is very important not to restrict the expansion of the ribcage.

Before the gas exchange takes place, air has to pass through airways: nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi to finally reach the alveoli-tiny air sacs creating lungs. During this process the air is cleaned and warmed by tiny hair and capillaries that line the nasal passages, trachea and bronchi. Airways are opened the whole time, which differs them from ingestion.
An alveolus 

Equine Respiratory System


The apical part of horse’s nose and its upper lip are very independent and have increased movability. On the both sides of nose top are two symmetric holes of frontal nostrils (left and right). Their shape is a of characteristic species, at rest they are falcated with a narrow cross-section, but during increased breathing they enlarge and become round. Between the frontal nostrils is a septum nostril, which goes backward creating nasal septum dividing the nasal cavity into two parts. The nasal cavity ends with rear nostrils, opening to the pharyngeal cavity.

The air is inhaled through nostrils and cleaned, warmed and moisturized in the nasal cavity. Then through the rear nostrils air passes to the pharynx, which is common for both, respiratory and digestive system. From there air goes to the larynx, where lower airways begin.

The larynx is a short pipe, made of cartilage, membrane and muscles, placed between the pharynx and trachea- in transition of head into neck (at the level of the skull base). Except for building airways, the larynx is also an organ of voice formation.

Finally air comes to the trachea, which is an oval tube consisting of 48 to 60 tracheal cartilages. In the wall of the trachea we can find three layers: mucosa, fibro-cartilage membrane and adventitia (connective tissue containing vessels, nerves, fat cells and springy fibers), which surrounds a trachea from the outside. On the dorsal side of the trachea we can find the tracheal muscle. Cervical part of trachea lies on the spine, then it is pushed a little to the right by esophagus, and finally at the level of 4-6th intercostal space trachea divides into two main bronchi, left and right, which divide into cranial bronchus and stronger caudal bronchus. Cranial bronchus gives segment bronchi dorsal and ventral. Caudal bronchus gives 4 strong segment ventral bronchi and 5-7 short segment dorsal bronchi. The bronchus for the accessory lobe of lungs starts at the right caudal bronchus and divides similarly. Both, the trachea and bronchi are lined with epithelium, which contains cilia and mucus to clean and moisturize the air once again.

As the branches of bronchi become smaller and smaller, they lead the air further and further to its destination-alveoli, which create lungs. A horse has two lungs, which are not exactly the same. They lie in the thoracic cavity surrounded by separate pleural sacs. Their shape is similar half a cone with its base directed backwards and connected with a diaphragm and top directed cranial. A horse’s left lung has two lobes- cranial and caudal. The right lung is built of three lobes- cranial, caudal and accessory. Very important place in the lung is its hylus, where bronchi, nerves and vessels enter the lung. Arteries of the lungs are situated very close to the bronchial tree, while veins run between segments and discharge blood from them.

While the horse inhales, air has to travel a very long way, as we said before, to get to the actual place of gas exchange. While the bronchi divide into smaller pieces, their epithelium changes to become one layer of cells. At the end of each branch are alveoli. These are tiny air sacs surrounded by capillaries. Their function is to take from blood carbon dioxide and replace it with oxygen. Carbon dioxide is exhaled as “used” air. It is brought to capillaries around the alveoli by pulmonary arteries left and right, which come from the pulmonary trunk, that begins in the right ventricle. The blood, full of oxygen travels through vessels, which become larger and larger and finally create pulmonary veins. They lead blood to the left heart atrium.

Skeletal system

The generality of horse’s bones which allows Its movability is called the skeleton. It is built in organism and creates internal skeleton. Its function is to protect the horse’s internal organs (the skull protects the brain, the rib cage protects the lungs and the heart and the vertebral column protects spinal cord), give the horse certain size and shape, support the whole body, produce blood cells, store minerals and, together with muscles, allows the body to be mobile.
Anterior and posterior view of horse’s skeletal system
The 207-214 bones which create horse’s the skeletal system vary in size and shape according to their function. They are made of very hard and withstanding tissues. Though different shapes and sizes the structure of all bones is similar. The bone is covered with periosteum-membrane which contains nerves and blood vessels to provide nutrients for the bone and protect it from injuries. Inside, the bone is built of two types of tissue: compact bone (which we can find in the diaphysis (shaft), which is the middle part of the long bones) and spongy bone with marrow cavities (which builds base). Depending on the shape of the bones we can classify them as:

1.    Long Bones- containing bone marrow they are responsible for production of new blood cells; examples: humerus, femur, radius, ulna;


2.    Short Bones- they are strong and compact; examples: carpal bones, tarsal bones;

3.    Flat Bones- their surfaces are flat and broad, they protect organs and provide large area of attachment for muscles; examples: scapula, sternum, skull;

4.    Sesamoid Bones- placed in ligaments and tendons they strengthen them; example: navicular bone working within the deep digital flexor tendon;
Sesamoid Bones

5.    Irregular Bones- examples are vertebrae;
Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae
A horse’s skeleton can be divided into axial and appendicular.
Axial skeleton consists of:
a)     Skull- is very complicated in its structure, it is a kind of a box consisting of 34 irregular bones protecting the brain and organs of senses- sight, balance and hearing.
b)    Spinal column- is divided into 5 parts: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (18 vertebrae), lumbar (6 vertebrae), sacral ( 5 fused vertebrae at the age of 5 years) and coccygeal ( 18-22 vertebrae). Two first cervical vertebrae, atlas and axis provide the connection between the spinal column and skull. Function of the spinal column is to protect the spinal cord and hold horse’s stance.
c)     Ribs- a horse has 18 pairs of ribs creating the ribcage. Its function is to protect internal organs (heart, lungs). First 8 pairs are called true ribs, because they connect with the sternum and next 10 pairs are called false ribs, which means they connect with the sternum by the costal arch, created by the costal cartilage of posterior ribs. The 11th rib is the longest one of all the ribs.
d)    Sternum- consists of three parts: manubrium, body and xiphoid process. At the sides of manubrium and body we can find rib indentations.

Appendicular skeleton is made of front and hind limbs’ bones:
a)     Shoulder girdle- is represented by a shoulder blade. It is an extensive and flat bone in the shape of triangle, connected with the frontal part of the thorax. The shoulder blade connects with the humerus.
b)    Humerus
c)     Radius and Ulna
d)    Knee- compiled of 7 bones
e)     Metacarpal (cannon) bone
f)      Finger bones- consists of 3 bones: long pastern bone, short pastern bone and coffin bone and 3 sesamoid bones.
g)     Pelvis- compiled of two pelvic bones (left and right) connected by pelvic symphysis (at the ventral surface) and by iliosacral joints connected with the sacrum at the dorsal surface. Pelvic symphysis is made up of the by ischial and pubic bones.
h)    Femur- is the only bone in the thigh.
i)       Tibia and Fibula
j)       Tarsus- consisting of 6 bones: I and II tarsal bones (which are fused), III tarsal bone, IV tarsal bone, central tarsal bone,  talus and calcaneus.
k)    Metatarsal (cannon) bone
l)       Finger bones- consists of 3 bones: long pastern bone, short pastern bone and coffin bone and 3 sesamoid bones.
Without connection between bones it would be impossible for horses to move, such places, where the bones meet are called joints. Some of them are not moveable, while most are and permit a great range of motion. Bones have a layer of a cartilage at the ends creating a joint. It protects them from rubbing, chaffing and absorbs shocks while moving. To keep the joint stable, it is equipped with ligaments. These structures are made of connective tissue and they connect bones by attaching both bones at their ends and they limit excessive range of motion in a joint . Ligaments do not contract, so they can not move a joint, but they are very strong (because of collagen fibers and fibrous protein found in the connective tissue). Their blood supply is very small, so in case of any injury they regenerate very slowly. Sometimes the ligaments become stretched too much, then their strength decreases. All joints are surrounded by the joint capsule. It is a kind of a sack lined with synovial membrane, which produces a synovial fluid, that lubricates the whole joint, reduces rubbing and usage of joint cartilage.

Division of types of joints  is based on the shape of joint surfaces. We can distinguish:
a)     Flat joint- both surfaces are flat, it is nearly non movable.
b)    Spherical joint- one surface is spheric and another is concave, it is most movable type of joint.
c)     Ellipsoidal joint- both surfaces are ellipsoidal.
d)    Hinge joint- moves are possible in one plane, one surface is a roller and the second one is concave.
e)     Rotary joint- for example the joint between atlas and axis.

Muscular system

Muscles are made of specific tissue, they come in all shapes and sizes. They are made of fibers arranged in bundles, which are surrounded by a fascia, connective tissue, supporting and separating muscles from each other. It allows for better flexibility in the movement of each muscle groups. Special properties of muscle tissue enables muscles to contract. It is because of actin and myosin, which slide on each other and make the fibers contract. Depending on the type of the fibers we can distinguish slow twitch fibers (they have very strong endurance qualities and need a lot of oxygen and nutrients to function properly) and fast twitch fibers ( they can deliver quick and maximal muscle effort, but only for short periods of time). Another division depends on the kind of control. In horse’s body dominate voluntary muscles, which are skeletal. The other kind are  involuntary muscles- smooth and cardiac. These  play part in the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and urogenital systems.

Skeletal muscles are responsible for movement. They are attached to bones by tendons, and pull them while in contraction. Horse’s muscles are arranged in two layers- superficial and deep.

Horse’s superficial muscles:

a)                          Head- levator of upper lip, levator of upper lip and nostril wing, lateral nasal muscle, lateral nostril dilator, orbicular muscle of the mouth, buccinators muscle, depressor of lower lip, zygomatic muscle, masseter muscle, transverse nasal muscle, depressor of lower eyelid, orbicular muscle of the eye, corrugator supercilii muscle, auricular muscles;
b)                          Neck- sternothyrohyoid muscle, omohyoid muscle, sternocephalic muscle, brachiocephalic muscle, splenius muscle, cervical part of rhomboid muscle, cervical part of serratus muscle, cervical part of trapezius muscle;
c)                           Thorax- thoracic part of trapezius, thoracic part of serratus muscle, cranial superficial pectoral muscle, caudal part of dorsal serratus muscle, external intercostal muscles;
d)                          Forelimb- deltoid muscle (originates from a tendinous area that is equivalent of our collarbone and from shoulder blade, it inserts at the upper arm, it brings the front leg forward and can flex the shoulder joint), triceps muscle (divided into three upper sections and originates from the posterior edge of shoulder blade and two areas of the upper arm, it inserts at the elbow), brachialis muscle, biceps muscle(originates from shoulder blade and inserts at the ulna, it flexes the elbow, extends the shoulder and stabilizes the knee), radial carpal extensor muscle, common digital extensor muscle, lateral digital extensor muscle, lateral carpal flexor muscle, superficial digital flexor, oblique carpal extensor, medial carpal flexor, middle carpal flexor;
e)                           Abdomen- external abdominal oblique muscle;
f)                            Back- latissimus dorsi, short tail levator muscles, long tail levator muscles, tail depressor muscles;
g)                          Hind limb- tensor fascia latae, superficial gluteal muscle, biceps femoris muscle (this two-headed muscle originates from the lumbar vertebrae, the pelvic ligament and hipbone, it inserts at the front of the fibula, it extends the hip joint, stifle and hock), semitendinosus muscle( has similar origins and insertions as biceps femoris), long digital extensor muscle, gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle, popliteal muscle, cranial tibial muscle;

Horse’s muscles

Horse deep muscles:

a)     Head- dorsal part of lateral nasal muscle, temporal muscle, jugulomandibular muscle;
b)    Neck- sternomandibular part of sternocephalic muscle, complexus muscle, longissimus capitis muscle, longissimus atlantis muscle, rectus capitis ventralis muscle, scalene muscle, intertransverse muscle;
c)     Thorax- cranial deep pectoral muscle, internal intercostal muscles, retractor costae muscle, iliocostalis dorsi muscle, caudal deep pectoral muscle, spinalis dorsi muscle;
d)    Forelimb- supraspinatus muscle, infrasinatus muscle, teres minor muscle, deep digital flexor muscle;
e)     Abdomen- internal abdominal oblique muscle, transverse abdominal muscle;
f)      Back- longissimus dorsi;
g)     Hind limb- medial gluteal muscle, deep gluteal muscle, gemellus muscle, quadratus femoris muscle, adductor femoris muscle, lateral vastus muscle, rectus femoris muscle, iliac muscle, semimembranosus muscle, lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle, peroneus tertius muscle, coccygeus muscle;

To provide correct movement muscles have to be in balance. It means the strength of agonists (muscles responsible for a certain movement) and antagonists (opponents of agonists) has to be equal. If misbalance occurs it can lead to injuries and improper movement. There can also occur misbalance between left and right side of the horse’s body, as most of the muscles are paired. One muscle can be responsible for a few movements. That is because of  the different directions of fiber arrangement in certain parts of the muscle.

The skin

The skin is a kind of protector that covers the whole horse’s body. It stops bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the body, thanks to its hair it is also one of the thermoregulation levels. In the skin we can also find receptors of pain, heat and touch, so it also has a sensory function.

How is the skin built? The skin comprises of the epidermis and underlying dermis. The epidermis, which is 0,053 mm thick, contains multiple layers of cells and is the outer, nonvascular layer of the skin. The cell layers of the epidermis at the bottom are usual and they modify as they move upwards. The epidermis imparts pigmentation, immunologic regulation, and touch perception. The epidermis is a stratified squamous epithelium that originates from the ectoderm and consists of multiple layers of cells. Throughout the epidermis there are several cell types, including Merkel cells, melanocytes, and Langerhans’ cells. Merkel cells are located in the basal region and function as slow-adapting touch mechanoreceptors. Melanocytes are also located in the basal region as well as in the sweat gland ducts, sebaceous glands, and outer root sheaths of hair follicles. Melanin pigments produced by melanocytes provide skin and hair colour in horses. The colour is particularly determined by the number, distribution, and degree of melanization and is controlled by genetics and a melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary. Langerhans’ cells are commonly located in the upper layer. Langerhans’ cells originate from bone marrow and are functionally and immunologically related to the monocyte–macrophage cell line. Langerhans’ cells which have been identified in horses, are proposed to function as antigen-presenting cells to lymphocytes.

The dermis is much thicker than epidermis. It supports the epidermis and provides flexibility to the skin through its composition of elastin and collagen. The thickness of the dermal layer varies throughout a horse’s body, depending on the region of the body, and ranges from 1 to 6 mm. The thickest areas are located on the dorsal part of horse (head, mane, back, croup, tail), while the thinnest regions are on the ventral (udder, medial thigh, external genitalia) and the medial surfaces of the limbs. The dermis also supports secondary structures, including hair follicles, sweat (apocrine) glands, sebaceous glands, blood vessels, and nerves.The dermis originates from the mesoderm and is composed of dense connective tissue, collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers that lie beneath the epidermal basement membrane. The dermis is divided into a papillary layer (superficial dermis) and reticular layer (deep dermis). In horses, a third layer involves the skin of the dorsal thorax, croup, dorsal surface of the back, and lateral aspect of the neck. This unique layer, located below the reticular layer, is composed of fine collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers. Additional structures located within the dermis include hair follicles, blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands.

The subcutis (hypodermis) is formed by a loose arrangement of collagen and elastic fibers and attaches the dermis to the deeper structures of bone and muscle. Within these fibers are variable amounts of fat cells that provide energy, protection, support, and heat insulation to the body.

Structure of the skin



Thanks to sweat glands horses can expel excess heat by sweating. It saves the organism from overheating during training on hot summer days. On the other hand, to protect horses from hypothermia before winter the horse’s hair become thicker and longer. It creates an isolating layer. The skin also prevents horse from excessive water loss by evaporation.

The horse’s skin (exactly the epidermis) creates hooves and chestnuts. The chestnuts are situated on the internal surface of the front and hind limbs. They are the remains of the first finger (the thumb). The hooves are structures surrounding the coffin bone. Its external structures are: heel bulb, heel, quarter, toe, coronary band, frog, bars, sole, white line and walls.

Structure of the hoof